I can't believe it has been a week since the last time I updated my blog.

There hasn't been a lot of new events that have transpired here. There have been some new developments, but perhaps it would be best not to post those on such a public forum as this?

This week I found a way through the Great Firewall of China so that I could watch Conference. Originally we were supposed to watch the sessions as a branch at our local meeting place, but the DVDs we received didn't work, so it seemed like we wouldn't be able to watch Conference until after we got back to America. After extensive looking I found a way to get to the Church website through a proxy server. It took hours to download just the audio of the proceedings, but I felt it was important enough to be worth it.

While this week I have taken a lot of time out of class to do my homework and to go above and beyond the requirements in order to get the most out of my time here in China, I have also begun to wonder if the reason that I am here isn't most beneficial for it's capacity in intellectual progression, but for progression of my character.

I apologize if this reads a little, funny, but I've been spending the last few hours translating ancient Chinese to English for homework for one of my classes. Before that I spent a few hours writing an essay for my writing class.

Now I'm lying here in my hard bed with a hint of a sore throat and a touch of a cough, wondering what there is that I can write which would be of worth to read in America. Perhaps it would be best to just leave what I have written and sleep for the time being. I will be posting more often from hence.

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