It has been a few days since my last post. It isn't my fault. I swear.

The Chinese government has cracked down on its internet censorship recently, and I haven't been able to access Blogger. Now it's all better.

Not only can I access this website again, I can upload pictures (finally)! Now my blog won't be so boring.

I don't think that I can really make up for the days when I wasn't able to post, so here's the Reader's Digest.

I am still going to school, and nothing really fun is happening right now.

I go to the underground fake markets every now and then to add to my fake brand name collection, still haven't found any of the brands that Courtney wants though.

We don't get a weekend this weekend. We had class on Friday and today, and tomorrow after church we have class again. It's a blast.

On the plus side I have noticed that my Chinese has made marked improvements since arriving just over a month ago. I'm hoping that I will continue to improve at a faster rate until I return home, and I'm bringing a lot of movies and books to continue my improvement at home.

I'm gradually sorting through my pictures from the trip and finding those that I want to keep and those I want to delete. I still have around 2000 that I haven't sorted through, and I find I keep around 25% of the pictures I've taken. After I sort through them all I have to fix the coloring and white balance on Photoshop, so I still have a lot of work to do.

So I guess that's about it- I'm keeping really busy, I'm getting used to life here, and my English is getting worse. Life should slow down a bit now too, the first month was full of traveling and vacations, from here on out there isn't much of that. Now is a time to buckle down, study hard, and get things done. At least I know I won't be like other students who came here with me who now are skipping class so that they can stay home and play World of Warcraft.

Here's a bonus:

Comments (1)

On October 14, 2009 at 7:50 AM , YĆ«ki Sambongi said...

i am happy pictures are included now.