The weekend was so short. Actually I didn't get a weekend this week, and I'm a bit tired.

I got to go to church today, which was nice, because I don't always get to go here. When we're traveling there isn't anywhere to attend, and next week is the week we are observing as General Conference, so by the time the first of November rolls around I will have been in Nanjing for 2 months, and only have attended church 3 times. It makes each time when I do get to go to church that much better.

After church we had class with our BYU professor. He took us on a short tour of a few sites in Nanjing. All in all we were supposed to tour three sites, but because the bus driver was 35 minutes late picking us up, the trip was poorly planned, and everyone was already tired from having 7 hours of make-up classes on Saturday, we cut the field trip short at 4 hours. Eeek. Sundays are much better when you can take a Sunday nap.

After I got home I sorted through a few more of my pictures from before, and then I got to my homework. We were supposed to hand write a 300 character essay for tomorrow mornings class. Most students don't get past about 100 characters, I'm guessing because they're just being lazy, but today I decided to go above and beyond, because lets face it, what else do I have to do while I'm here besides learn Chinese? So I wrote an 800 character essay to turn in tomorrow. I figure the more I write the more mistakes I'll make and the more I'll learn.

Before I sign off for the night and get some sleep, there are two stories from today.

One was while we were out touring with the class. Some lady approached me and asked in English if I could take her picture for her. I said yes in Chinese and she was shocked, just like everyone else and their dog that I spoke Chinese. She gets to talking with me and offers to be my language study partner, a quite popular way to make friends here. They help you with Chinese, you help them with English - a symbiotic friendship. Only I could tell she wasn't really interested in learning English from me if you know what I mean. I pulled a classmate over (female) fast and said I didn't need a language partner, but this girl was looking for one. Then I got out of there. Too many experiences like that lead me to think that it isn't possible for me to make friends with any females here, but I'm fine with that.

Second story. I received a marraige... proposition... today. Well, I guess I can't really tell this story online, you never know who's reading, right? Spiked your interest haven't I? Ask me on MSN or Gmail chat and I'll explain more.

Bonus pic of the day:

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