Unfortunately, not many exciting things happen during the weekdays here.

Today was also a recovery day from Shanghai this weekend.

I slept in, and much like I used to do in Provo, I woke up around 15 minutes before class started, brushed my teeth, threw on some clothes and headed out the door. I still made it in time for class, but it was close.

Class was normal, and for lunch we went out and got dumplings. The original plan was to go get some food at a place that some of the other study abroad students recommended. When we got there with them it actually turned out to be less of a restaurant and more of a shack, and less of a shack and more of a stand on the side of the road, and less of a stand on the side of the road and more of a card table with random food spread out for you to choose from. I passed. Instead of paying 4 RMB for lunch like they did, I paid 8 and got 18 dumplings, which was more than enough for a filling lunch. One thing I didn't get though was food poisoning, like one of the other study abroad students has now, or any other number of stomach problems, like pretty much everyone in the group but me is suffering from right now. I think it's worth the extra $.50 USD per meal.

After lunch I was really tired, and just wanted to go home and take a nap, but fate had other plans for me. I ended up going downtown to help some people get flashcards - which interestingly enough don't exist in China. Everywhere we went looking for flash cards didn't have any. When we asked they told us to make our own out of paper. I also ended up buying Mao ZeDong's autobiography. That should be very interesting. And it should help my Chinese improve a lot, as it is in Chinese. Another thing I found very interesting is that there were plenty of copies of Chairman Mao's autobiography in bookstores, but I never found a biography of him. The workers all told me that they didn't have any biographies on him, and that I should just read his autobiography.

After going out for the afternoon though, it was time to come home. I spent the night touching up the pictures I took while at Zhong Shan Ling and Ming Xiao Ling last Friday. I didn't finish them all, but I uploaded about 30 of them onto my Photobucket site: http://s816.photobucket.com/albums/zz82/carlhollan/ I'll be finishing those up probably tomorrow, and then moving on to working on the pictures I took while in Shanghai last weekend. I'm hoping to finish everything just in time for our trip to Dunhuang and Xi'an. I'm going to have a lot of pictures to sort through after that, so if you want to see any of the things I'm writing about, make sure to check out my Photobucket account.

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