This city is so big (with about 20 million residents) and there is so much to do. There is no way that I can possibly do everything that I want to do while I'm here, no matter how much I do every day.

Today started out with class, like every other day. The first class was great, I learned a lot. The second class was boring. I was trying to keep from falling asleep the entire time. But I guess that is the way that life goes.

I figured it would be a good day to focus on taking pictures. I really wanted to interview a man who usually sits outside of our apartment building and plays the erhu (a traditional Chinese instrument) and begs for money, but I couldn't seem to find him today, no matter how hard I looked. So that fell through. Instead I spent the afternoon going with a classmate to the Western Union so that he could get a money transfer and I could be there to translate if needed.

I sat and took pictures of everything that I saw out the window and listened to music. It was a very relaxing day.

After we went to the coffee shop to see our friends and so that my classmate and I could get our homework done for the day. After finishing my homework I started to Photoshop my pictures so I could upload them to my Photobucket. I don't know if I'll get to that tonight, it takes a bit of time and it's almost midnight here already and I'm exhausted.

After sitting at the coffee shop for a little while we went out and got dinner and then came back to the apartment to do some more studying.

We walked downtown to a really good crepe shop and got hot fudge sundae crepes. It was a delicious reminder of America. To cap off the night we went to some of the other study abroad students housing to say hi. They live in a little different environment than us. To get to their house you have to walk about 5 minutes down a dark and winding alley into a run down subcomplex. Their downstairs neighbors collect garbage for a living. Our classmates have a two room apartment between the three of them. And two of the guys have to share a bed. I almost felt guilty. But then I didn't instead.

We walked home, and I'm feeling pretty tired. Tomorrow is going to be a long day of class. I think I have class from 8AM-12PM and from 2PM-5PM, plus I have to go find a place to buy train tickets to ShangHai for District Conference this weekend, and I have to find a travel agent to buy train tickets for me to GuiLin. That should be exhausting.

I'm sorry about the short blurb today, I would normally have a lot more to say about life here, like how while we were walking we found out that we live only half a block from the only Mexican restaurant in Nanjing, or how we're hearing cool details about trips we're going to be taking soon, but tonight I just need to get to bed and get some sleep.

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