Perhaps it isn't a good idea to write my blog so late at night. I am constantly reading over old posts and finding small mistakes that need correcting. Yesterdays post probably didn't make as much sense as I would have liked it to.

Today there was no class, so it was a day of adventures. It was overcast most of the day, so it was cooler, but not cold. I wore a sweater and was a little warm all day. Rumor has it that it is supposed to be hot tomorrow.

After getting up in the morning I Photoshopped pictures from Shanghai (they still aren't posted yet, but they will be tomorrow) until it was time for lunch. After lunch my roommate and I decided we needed to do something we hadn't done before, so we climbed up onto the roof of our building. It was quite adventurous and I got quite a few good pictures taken of random things that we found up there. After climbing down we decided we needed to go and find some more things to make our life more comfortable.

One of those things was a laundry service. I like to wear my shirts a little small and so they stretch out over the day as I wear them. Every time I wash and dry them however, they shrink back to their original size. The slight snugness of my t-shirts when they are fresh out of the wash has become quite comfortable over the past few years. Unfortunately when you hang your clothes out to dry they don't shrink back to their normal size, so I've missed that snugness over the past few weeks that I've been here in China. The other problem with hanging clothes out to dry is the amount of time it takes, especially when it is rainy and cool. So we wanted to find somewhere that would wash and dry our clothes so that we didn't have to deal with all of the hassle of doing it ourselves (lazy I know, but this is China, where you can pay people to all sorts of things for extremely low prices).

Unfortunately we weren't successful, the only places that would come up on Bing were dry cleaners, and the only places that we could find by walking around or asking people were also dry cleaners. And they were charging almost $1 USD per t-shirt! So when I get back from this trip in a week or so I'll have to look again.

After walking around so much all afternoon (as we walked we also found other random things, like the school pool, which costs 10 RMB per visit - I guess it could be worth it) we also decided we needed a better way to get around. So I bought a bicycle. It cost $20 USD and I really think it is pretty fun. Tomorrow we're going to take our bikes (my roommate didn't get his yet because I bought the last one for the day, but they'll have more tomorrow) to places that we haven't been able to go in the city yet because there aren't buses that can get us their conveniently.

As for tonight, there isn't that much going on. Tomorrow should be a pretty busy day, I'm going to try to make a posting tomorrow before I have to go get on the train at 9:30 PM. We're heading out to the Taklamakan Desert, which in some language, though which language I'm not sure, means 'the desert that people enter and do not come out of'. I'm sure I'll be fine, but it promises to be a new adventure.

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